How to Prevent Nervous During the Exam

Examination plays a major role in student’s academic record. It is because examination will give a high contribution to reach an expected mark. Examinations can measure student’s ability whether they will mastering the subject or not. It will give the teacher a clear overview of the student’s capacity and improvement during the learning process. Usually, in one semester students will have a bunch of subjects that they will examine such as English, Mathematic, business, and education. However, most students state that they feel fear and anxiety (Dickson, 2015). It is because they are forced to think hard to get the best answer. Therefore, make a plan, study properly and review the lessons are some tips that can help people to increase their confidence to face an examination.
To begin with, students need to do is make a plan. In this case, students need to set up plan such as deciding a learning strategy that will apply to increase understanding about the subject that they learn. For instance, preparing music as their supporting tools to enjoy their study. It is because they believe that by listening to the music, they will increase the concentration and it can impact their intellectuality (Hallam, 2016). However, the learning strategy between each person is different it is based on their learning styles such as auditory, visual, verbal and physical (Laurier, 2008). In addition, students need to prepare a schedule that they will learn. For example, five subjects will be examined in the first week. Students can divide those items into some parts in a particular time. By preparing a schedule, students will use their time wisely to split the individual subject that they will learn and it will help them more organized.
After students follow the first step, students need to study properly. The study is the primary key to breaking out student’s obstacle in facing the exam. For instance, Students need to learn the subject that has been decided before. To support that, students also may add some different way to understand the concept such as make a mind map. The mind map will help people firmly understand about the lessons, it because mind map provides the student with the branches that will impact to their imagination. In order, of making a mind map, students need to limit the time to make a good time management. For instance, the student can divide their time 2 hours for studying math and 2 hours for studying English. By doing that, students will have a clear timeline so they can use the time wisely. In the other hand, for those students who have not study properly, it will break down their optimistic to answer the question.
        After students following those steps, now continue to the last step which is reviewing the lessons. In this step, students can do intense practice in order as a reminder for students. For instance, students can do five sheets mathematic question in limited time. It may help students to implement the theory that they learn, besides that practice can increase student’s ability to remember the lessons. In addition, students may also go to the social life to review the lessons together with another friend. By reviewing together, students can measure their ability to show their improvement through discussion. Besides that, they can discuss something that they have not find the solution to solve. For example, students have not found the solution of math, because they did not attend the class. In this case, friends can guide you to solve the problem.
In the whole words, make a plan, study properly and review the lessons to prevent nervous during the exam are three tips that may help people to increase their optimistic when facing an exam. Make a plan will help people to have a good preparation to set a plan, study correctly will lead the student to increase their understanding into the basic concept, and review the lesson will give people to remember through the power of practice. So, students need to struggle to reach the maximum score that it will impact on student future and career because the future belongs to those people who struggle with every obstacle.
“Dickson, K. (2015, December 25). LSS - learner success. Retrieved from LSS - Counseling Services Web Site:
“Hallam, S. (2016). The power of music: Its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. sage journals, 1.”
“Laurier University, W. (2008). Learning Styles. Retrieved from study skills instrumental centre Web Site:


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