Still the one

 I am familiar with the idea of being love and being in love. I have seen and I have felt this love from mother and her child love for her. I realize that my present in this beautiful earth was because of the present of love. Love bought me here, but this time I finally feel another kind of love. It is the famous love at the first sight, the way his eyes gaze, the way he smile, the way he walks, the way he take care his self, and the way he cares for his surroundings. I am glue for his kindness, and I clearly heard the beat of my heart in my ears. From the very second I know he is the one, the one whom I want to love, to protect, and the one whom I want to cherish every seconds of the rest of my life with.
I used to think that nothing was more beautiful than a blue sky or the gloaming star, or the blooming flowers, until I saw him. His charismatic that lighting up my world. I used to think that love is just a myth that only exist in fairytale until I met him, the one who shows me the true love. I used  think that happiness is an illusion that only exist in our mind deluding us, until I met him, the one who give me reason to believe that love is real and it could change my life. His smile a simple curve that bring a familiar feeling to me. As warm as a glass of hot chocolate in the rainy day, as sweet as my favorite candy when I was a kid, as bright as a million stars in the dark night sky. His smile a magic that bring me to a place when a heaven exist, the place that I thought it never existed and that’s where I found him. I feel like I have known him for a long time, because he seems familiar to me. I think he has been living in here, in the small gate inside me. Without me realizing it, yes that it is why his presence comfort me. The smile that out shine the sun and close enough for me to smell his sense. The sense that paralyzed all of my senses.
When he is not here, I feel that emptiness creeping on me. I guess what people says is true that the absence make the heart grow harder. The longer his away, the stronger this heart beat for him. This longing is suffocating me. I cannot go on another day without him, but what can I do when he is out of my reach?. I froze at beside of him and I feel blood rushing through my head. I never thought that the grips of him could take my breath away. and that a split of a second could turn my world upside down. I wish I could stop the time just to stay with him. If only he knew that, I have been searching all my life, if I had to go through thousands pages and countless chapter or I had to go against the universe just to be with you, I would. He makes me fall for a billion times, since he is awesome. The awesome of a boy is not about the outfit he wear, the perfection over curve. However, the true awesome of boy is affected to his core in his soul which can be seen through his eyes, as the door way to his heart, when the compassion lives and where the love stay.


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