The Difference between Homeschooling and Public School in Indonesia

The Difference between Homeschooling and Public School in Indonesia

            Most parents in the world want to serve a better education for their children since children are a valuable asset who will become the next generation to continue their struggle and identity. In this 21st-century learning system, there are so many kinds of a learning institution that facilitate parents to have so much optional to continue their children education. There are two types of optional which are already known by the society which are homeschooling and public school system. However, those two kinds of the system become issues in education aspects that would occur pro and cons among the public. This is true because many educators from many institutions argue about that controversial issue and since 2005, homeschooling and public school system become the most trending controversial in many countries such as Turkey and USA (Korkmaz & Duman, 2013). To make it clear, there are three difference between homeschooling and public school which are social aspect, regulation point, and the academic quality standard.
         The first difference between homeschooling and public school can be seen from the social aspects in term of interaction between the children. Children who were continuing their education through homeschooling system tend to have less interaction with another friend. This is right because the home environment does not support their social environment in their stage of age because they have less friend to interact with since they need to have a self-development in the range of their age (F. Haverluck, 2007). In contrast, children who go to public school for learning, they will have so many friends to interact with. For instance, the public school usually give a group task homework for the students in term of increase their ability to have an interaction with another friend. That kind of situation will help the student to an excellent communication in adapted with another people.
           Besides the social aspects, another thing that contrasts homeschooling with public school is the regulation points. Usually, the homeschooling system does not provide a strict control to run their learning process. This is true because the education system that homeschooling run is not as formal condition that must force students to show the equality among the children. Besides that, most of the homeschooling system is only concern about the academic record and improvement. Therefore, the homeschooling does not facilitate the strict regulation to handle people. In contrast, the public schools have a strong rule to educate their student and usually have a punishment to those people who are not obeying the rules. For instance, if children’s does not bring their assignment to the class it will affect their mark, and the children have a mandate to run around the school yard. This kind of regulation commonly exist because public school needs to make their students discipline and increase their responsibility.
           The last difference between homeschooling and public school is the quality academic standard. The parent who educate their children in homeschooling system, tend to expect more high-quality academic standard ( Courtney, 2015). This case can be seen from the teacher are forced to teach their children to have a better academic performance to make their children successful. Also, homeschooling program teaches limited student to make the learning process efficient. Therefore, the student can be more focus on the subject that they are learning about. Meanwhile, in the public school, the teacher need to teach more than 20 people in one class, and the teachers need to maintain all of the student’s activity because each student has a difference characteristic and personality which can be a distraction in the learning process.
         In conclusion, there are three difference thing that needs to be considered when a parent needs to decide to educate their children which are social aspect, regulation point, and the academic quality standard. Therefore, by concern on those three aspects parent can take a consideration to decide which institution is the best solution to educate their children to create a better education and to increase their social stratification since children are the most valuable asset.


Courtney, J. (2015, May 12). Public School vs. Homeschool, What are the Differences. Retrieved from Classical conversation:
F. Haverluck, M. (2007, May 2). The Negative Effects and Aspects of Homeschooling. Retrieved from:
Korkmaz, H., & Duman, G. (2013). Public understanding about homeschooling: A preliminary study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3891 – 3897.Retrieved from


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