Benning's Experience in Diversity and Inclusion Youth Conference

As I grow up as a youth, I keep wondering to myself what I have already contributed to make better changes in this world. I am aware that, I am one of a young generation that needs to make some positive changes towards the environment and the society around me. I believe that young generation is a hundred percent of the future that should actively involve making a better world. There are a lot of issues in life aspect that need to fix on in this modern world such as international peace and security, human right, education, regional issues, sustainable development goals and so on. In order to fix this issues, young generation needs to have a better mind-set and a right perspective regarding the issues. One of a good way to increase awareness towards the issues among the young generation is through model united nations. Gratefully, I have one opportunity to attend DIYC 2018 (Diversity and Inclusion Youth Camp) that fully sponsored by Sampoerna University and Sampoerna Foundation. This conference creates a model united nation among the delegate to enable us discussing the issues. From this conference, I learn so many things and receive several benefits in such as increasing my awareness regarding the international issues and expanding my networking.

To begin with, one of the lessons learned from this conference is I will be able to increasing my awareness. I learn a lot from this conference, especially how MUN works. In this conference, I become the delegate of South Korea in education council. By participating in this council, I am able to open up my mind and raise my voice regarding the education issues. Together with my fellow delegate, we learn how to make draft resolutions and new mechanism in order to enable the education accessible to all people no matter what their economic background. By talking regarding the education issues, I realize that it will become a good way to improving critical thinking and deliver my perspective in the forum. The MUN teach me how to deal with people in term of negotiation. Besides that, I also speak in the general speaker list to come up with the education background of South Korea and the implementation of foreign and national policies in South Korea itself. Besides that, I also speak in the motion release and tried to deliver my perspective regarding the main problem in education. In the general assembly, we are no longer representing our countries, but we deliver our personal interest regarding the issues. In the general assembly, we do an open debate to rebut and to deliver the point of clarification regarding the draft resolution. The draft resolution needs to provide the clear solutions without any ambiguity.

Not only able to increase my awareness regarding the international issues. This conference also helps me to expand my networking with the fellow delegate from all around the world. I have met with a lot of young generation who mostly has the same perspective to make a better world. In addition, I am making new friends with people from another country such as friends from Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Singapore. Generally, they have a great experience regarding MUN, global volunteering, and entrepreneurship. By meeting, those young generations, it really inspires me to do positive things in life and keep me on the right track. 

Therefore, DIYC 2018 is one of a good chance to accelerate our MUN skills and gain a positive insight regarding the issues. Not only that this event will help us to become more aware and can influence other to maximize their role as a young generation to make a better world and influence peace towards human being all around the world. From this experience, I am fully aware that peace cannot be kept by force but be achieved by understanding.


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